Dr. Anastassia Lauterbach


Economy & Management

Anastassia Lauterbach is about as well versed as it gets when it comes to economic topics: she is a C-Level executive, entrepreneur and serves as an independent non-executive director on several multinationals.

She is on the move internationally between Europe, Asia and America and is engaged in a wide range of industries from telecommunications to aviation and finance.

As founder and CEO of 1AU-Ventures , she advises several US and European AI and cybersecurity companies as well as investment funds and analysts. She also gained extensive management experience during her previous positions at Qualcomm, Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile, Daimler Chrysler Financial Services, McKinsey and Munich Re.


Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Robots, automated machines and intelligent computers are increasingly challenging traditional industrial processes, and some even say that work conducted by humans itself may be under threat. Anastassia Lauterbach soberly navigates these topics steeped in hope and fear and finds the right way to translate new ideas into tangible results. The pioneer between disruptive research and visionary economy serves as a member of the advisory board of the global blockchain infrastructure organization Ocean Protocol and is a senior advisor for artificial intelligence at McKinsey & Company.

The ITU, the specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with the technical aspects of the global information society also draws on her interdisciplinary expertise.


Governance, Risk & Compliance

The development of artificial intelligence has created new challenges for business and society - not least at the regulatory level. Ultimately, every innovation needs a legally and ethically justifiable framework and an economic foundation.

Governance, risk & compliance are familiar terrain for Anastassia Lauterbach. As a member of the supervisory board of the global financial services provider Wirecard AG in Germany, of the British airline easyJet and of the American business services provider Dun & Bradstreet, she is chairman of the compliance & risk committee and member of the audit committee respectively. Aspects of corporate governance are also her focus at Diligent, and Nasdaq, the largest electronic stock exchange in the USA, where she is a member of the Next Gen Board Leaders Advisory Council.



Rapid technological advances not only bring great opportunities for business and consumers, but also considerable risks for companies and countries. A key issue here is big data versus industrial espionage. Personal data protection is not the only issue that needs to be addressed. The security of complex infrastructures, whether in the transport or health sectors, also needs to be dealt with.

Anastassia Lauterbach brings her extensive experience to bear in a wide variety of capacities, whether as a member of the advisory board of the European cyber security insurance broker Cogitanda or at the global telecommunication association TM Forum.


Culture, Art, Music

PhD in linguistics and psychology is at home in the world of music, art and literature. She is fluent in five languages (English, French, German, Russian, Serbian) and is an ambitious pianist who even considered a professional career at a young age.

She pursues her love of art through her initiative Startups Meet Arts, an annual gathering of artists, musicians, company founders and international decision makers. As a Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar, she contributes to the international networking of executives for international understanding and sustainable development in the fields of corporate governance, technology, law, education and culture.


Publications by & about Anastassia Lauterbach

„The Artificial Intelligence Imperative. Eine Practical Roadmap for Business“,
Fachbuch, Praeger 2018

„Was Europa von Chinas KI-Strategie lernen kann – und was nicht“,
Essay Handelsblatt 16.1.2019



Dr. Anastassia Lauterbach-Lang
Hauptstrasse 8
5202 Neumarkt am Wallersee

UID: ATU78332939
